Expectation and Reality
After our lovely few days at Avalon it was time for us to start making our way south again towards Ensenada. We had an uneventful but...

SoCal Sailing
After the drama of the previous week and the horrific morning with the pump-out, we were looking forward to a few quiet days for a change...

Thailand - Part 2 (Finally!)
Complete and utter shock - best description by far of the look on his face when a bunch of people came up behind him and screamed "Happy...

Land Life Lately
The last month has flown by! We’ve both been busy with our various work commitments, travelling, family visits and visiting and also got...

Sending my man off to sea...
As a million other women throughout history have done before me, I stood on the dock waving, a little weepy, as my husband (and my home)...

Hold on to your Sombrero's Ensenada...
The Howells are about to head south! Yes, I know, we've already told everyone that. September 2018. Well. We changed our minds. So we're...

What? You're moving on to a BOAT??
*** Edit: The pictures you see here were taken when our house was torn apart as we were culling and selling. The back yard is typical of...

Alas, all good things must come to an end, although I don't think that should apply to vacations. Darrin had to get back to work though,...

Wasp Islands & Rosario Resort
Unfortunately this time of year in the Pacific Northwest, prevailing winds are light and opportunities to sail are few. So once again we...

Cruising the San Juans
The weather really couldn't have been more perfect for our cruise around the islands. The type of days that we suffer through winter for...