Adios Ensenada!
There we all were, excited and ready to get underway! The Port Captain had already received our exit paperwork (we hired an agent to...
Ready to Rally
Once we'd made the decision to join the rally, we thought we had a reasonable handle on everything we had to get done before our...
My First Overnight Passage
We've had lots of fun with guests onboard lately. Phil and Kristi from Texas spent a few days with us, culminating of course in yet...
Thailand - Part 2 (Finally!)
Complete and utter shock - best description by far of the look on his face when a bunch of people came up behind him and screamed "Happy...
Thailand - Part 1
Despite his request for a quiet, inexpensive birthday this year, I couldn't let Daz's big 50th pass without something a little special...
A Guest, A Birthday and Sailing Plans
We love it when people want to come visit us on our little floating home, so when our dear neighbour from Maple Valley asked if she could...
A Year Living on a Boat
It's been a year since we sold the house and moved aboard. That year went really quickly! People often ask us about the transition from...
Retirement is Exhausting
We've come to understand this very well. The last month has been filled with taking trips to the US, conjugating spanish verbs,...
Land Life Lately
The last month has flown by! We’ve both been busy with our various work commitments, travelling, family visits and visiting and also got...
Sending my man off to sea...
As a million other women throughout history have done before me, I stood on the dock waving, a little weepy, as my husband (and my home)...